When you buy your first Patch Test, your Salon should email you an invitation to Colourstart Passport. Then, just follow these simple steps and you’ll be ready to go!
Allow at least 4 days before your next colour appointment.
Open the email invitation* from your Salon and follow the link to go to the sign up screen.
*If you haven’t received an email, you can sign up here or you can download the Passport app:
Then, follow the on-screen instructions to register with Colourstart Passport.
Next, select which Salon(s) you’d like to share your Passport with.
Answer a short health-related ‘screening questionnaire’ to check that it is OK for you to use Colourstart
Follow Passport’s step by step process to use your Patch Test and record the results.
Apply and remove the Patch when Passport tells you to and make sure you upload images when prompted.
Finish by confirming whether you’ve experienced a reaction to your Colourstart Patch Test.
If you don’t experience a reaction to the Test you’ll get a green ‘OK to colour hair’ Passport, which any participating Salon will accept instead of a standard test, even for walk-in colour and repeat colourings.
Colourstart can show whether someone may be allergic to one of the ingredients, called PPD, used in hair colorants. Find here a step by step guide to how to use Colourstart and how Colourstart works.
Here you can find lots more useful information and advice on who should use Colourstart and how it should be used.
You can buy Colourstart from any participating Colourstart hair or beauty professional.
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Colourstart Test 65mcg Cutaneous patch. Contains p-phenylenediamine (PPD). A screening test for allergy to hair colour (PPD). Always read the label.